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Kinesiology is for anyone of any age looking to enhance their experience of life. It has, and continues to have a profound effect on my life and I'm now very happy to be sharing that with my clients.

Here is a little more information about myself and Kinesiology.

My goal as a Kinesiologist is to create real and positive change and make your unique journey rich and fulfilling. 
But this wasn’t always my focus.
I spent more than ten years working in creative agencies, collaborating with brilliant minds and serving large multinational brands. It was thrilling at times, but challenging at others.
When I became a wife and mother of three beautiful children and continued pursuing a corporate profession, I began to gain a new perspective on what was important.
Work/Life Balance seemed a deliberately unsustainable concept that placed enormous stress upon those seeking it.
Through the practice of Kinesiology and complementary therapies, I’ve learned that Life Balance (rather than Work/Life Balance) is the key to a healthy, happy and fulfilling life.
And Kinesiology can help make it happen.
I have completed my International Certificate in Professional Kinesiology Practice (ICPKP- Cert IV) with Katha Jones and Terese Mudgway and finalising my International Diploma in Professional Kinesiology (ICPKP - Diploma) with Sarah Gilmour-Mayne of The Nidana Collective college.
I have also completed the full Touch for Health (T.F.H. I-IV) curriculum and Neural Organisational Techniques (N.O.T.) syllabus with Dr Peter McLellan.
I am happy to announce I am seeing clients from Summer Hill.
My focus is on women – particularly career women and mothers – and the particular needs we have in the face of pressing demands from those around us and our own selves.
I am also working extensively with children – especially pre-school and infant-aged kids. 
My specially developed approach aims to give children the tools to maintain a positive state-of-mind and overall wellness in this key stage of life.


Katherine Anderson Kinesiology Inner West Sydney
  • Current Level 2 First Aid Certificate

  • Current Working with Children Check


Kinesiology uses simple muscle testing to access the subconscious and identify various stresses within a person.


By targeting key physical, biochemical and mental stresses with a range of different techniques, you can gain vast improvements in overall wellbeing and happiness.


To put it simply, Kinesiology helps restore balance to the body and mind,

empowering people to heal themselves.


The practice of Kinesiology was pioneered by Dr George Goodheart in the 1960s, and was derived from a multitude of disciplines including chiropractic, acupuncture, osteopathy, traditional medicine and biochemistry.


Today, this approach, combined with other complimentary approaches have made Kinesiology one of the fastest growing health practices globally.


I see many clients with a range of personal challenges, but one common desire:

To get more from life by reducing or eliminating obstacles currently holding them back.


The most common include:

I am always stressed, tired and lack the spark I once had.

I can help increase energy levels, restore and enhance motivation, and improve sleeping patterns.

Improved focus and concentration also can be achieved.

I have physical pain that other specialists haven't been able to relieve.

Clients have experienced significant relief of back pain, headaches and side effects of past physical injury.

Weight management and improvements to digestive function are also a common focus.

I'm seeking real change in my personal wellbeing.

Improved relationships, a sense of empowerment and increased success are key outcomes of my Kinesiology sessions.

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